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In Cemetery terms, Roselawn is considered a "young" Cemetery, with centuries worth of burial spaces in its future. It all began in December of 1969 with Bill and Pat Stinson, Roselawn's original owners. They cleared a portion of land in Calhoun, Louisiana to be used as a Cemetery. It was a small start to a great legacy, and with room for many improvements to be done and to grow. In 1970, they had the cemetery's first burial. The burial occurred in Garden of Devotion, making it the cemetery's first Garden, which was soon joined by Garden of Pines later on. Since then eight additional Gardens have been added as well as a ninth Garden devoted to dogs, cats, and other animal companions.




After a decade of hard work and devotion, the Stinson's handed over the reigns to their company to a young preacher and his wife. Stanley Fortenberry took ownership in September of 1980 with his wife Eloise. Eloise was as strong a business woman as she was a mother; hard working, diligent, and steadfast. Stan has been preaching for different churches for more than 50 years, and has incorporated his love for Christ and for his family into Roselawn. To this day, even at 81 years of age, he is still going strong and spreading God's word; however, he has relinquished his role as owner. His son, Rick Fortenberry, owned and ran Roselawn from 1993 - 2014. Stan's daughter, Melanie F. Massey, has been the sole owner now since 2015. She, along with her husband Richard and a small crew of employees, run Roselawn with care and attention to details to better ensure a peaceful and beautiful resting place for loved ones of all those families within the Roselawn Family.

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